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Category Archives: Blogging

As i watch the TV this night one of the news is about the poor education here in our country, and almost 2.56% of the student now cannot read simple sentence and cannot recognized some alphabet letter, some of them can read but cannot understand what they are reading. maybe the reason why they cannot read and understand is lock of books and poverty they can’t afford to go to school, and other reason is children now are very lazy in studying their lesson instead they want to play rather than to study.

i remember when i watch this movie the “IDIOCRACY” this is about the story of Joe Bowers he’s not sharpest tool in the shed, But when a government hibernation experiment goes awry bowers awakens in the year 2505 to find a society so dumbed-down by mass commercialism and mindless TV programming that he’s become the smartest guy on the planet. now it’s up to an average Joe to get human evolution back on tracks…

Just like in the movie there’s always a way to improve the education and if the government will act and provide solutions to the problem their will be a good outcome and with the help of parents to teach their kids in their own way with 1 hour tutorial everyday will help their kids to improve their reading so their knowledge will be better than today. as a parent we don’t want our kids to become how can i say this “mindless” you know what i mean, and the only solution is teach them to study well and guide them in the right path so they will not go to the wrong path unless you would like your kids to be in that way and hoping that our government will not let this happen like in the movie idocracy.

trailer of idiocracy—–>

How consistent is your blog? Consistent is not self-contradictory,you have to be accordant and reliable from what you are writing to impress the critics. so your readers will understand and find it interesting, you have to express your thoughts,ideas for what you believe that is true and correct, in that way it will show and give your voice a tone and it will come out what kind of personality you have.

In the world of blogging or blogs it’s important to review and think if your writing is consistent and fairly true and in line to your readers expectations. your blog has it’s own voice and identity, you have to give clarity and purpose to become your blog meaningful, so it will be helpful, setting your goal as an aim can help you to simplify what’s your ideas and your point of views. and it will give you your desired result or outcome.

Is this another issue or controversy for the philippines after the desparate housewives? on  “The Daily Show” with Jon Stewart in one of the segment titled “Is America Ready for a woman president?” you will see a cut out picture of former president Cory Aquino with a word “slut” and three hearts which means “Corazon Aquino faced down dictators…”you will heard it were correspondent Samantha Bee delivers the line. the video is very funny except when they showed cut out pictures of four Female leaders. okay for example if we try to do this video depicting American leaders and put bad words to it what would they feel? maybe  we will suffer and receive a bad impact to them.  using this kind of spoofs in America is fine with them but what about us, we know that Filipina women are conservatives and this kind of joke is a big  insult not only for Pres. Cory but for all the filipina women and we know that many will react in this.  but i think the issue here is about ” Respect” Gabriela secretary general Emi de Jesus said  (I think any woman who would be called in that way would not dismiss it as a simple affront but a violation, a big dishonor to her humanity)”.

see the video below:

Fattest child

Fattest Man

 the thinnest

If you will not Take care of your self this can be happen to you..

Obesity is just another problem in the U.S.  or in the whole world but we can fight this through enough diet and exercise and if you love your self take care of it…

Just like the movie “super size me” Morgan Spurlock subsists exclusively on McDonald’s fast food and stops exercising. The film documents this lifestyle’s drastic effects on Spurlock’s physical and psychological well-being and explores the fast food industry’s corporate influence, including how it encourages poor nutrition for its own profit. During the filming, Spurlock dined at McDonald’s restaurants three times per day, sampling every item on the chain’s menu at least once. He consumed an average of 5,000 calories (the equivalent of 9.26 Big Macs) per day during the experiment.

[clip from super size me]

We know that many women’s want to have a perfect body and one of the simple way to have that is to diet, but some of them are turn to  over diet that leads them to annorexia..

Anorexia nervosa is one type of eating disorder. More importantly, it is also a psychological disorder. Anorexia is a condition that goes beyond out-of-control dieting. A person with anorexia initially begins dieting to lose weight. Over time, the weight loss becomes a sign of mastery and control. The drive to become thinner is actually secondary to concerns about control and/or fears relating to one’s body. The individual continues the endless cycle of restrictive eating often to a point close to starvation in order to feel a sense of control over the body. This cycle becomes an obsession, and is similar to any type of drug or substance addiction. Approximately 95% of those affected by anorexia are female, but males can develop the disorder as well.

Can Computer Games affect our kids? In my own opinion and experience the effects of computer games  on our children are very alarming now adays, look at this computer shops that you will see everywhere most of their costumers are kids, more than  7 years old and above, like my son he is very eager to play this  popular game LF2 (little fighter 2) that you can download for free on the Internet, my 6 years  old son downloaded it from the Internet and play it everytime… I’m very confuse why he liked this very much then i try to watch him when he was playing with this LF2, i see that this kind of games is very addictive in our kids because  my son play this game for almost 1 hour or more can you imagine that,  it’s very alarming that he spend more time on computers than to study his lessons, so right now I’m lessen the time i given  him playing computer games like that,  if you have kids like mine that very addicted to computer games be sure to monitor what he is doing and lessen the time you give to them instead force them to other sports like basketball, swimming or other indoor activities that will help them to develop their stealing  minds…  


The Philippine goverment is to seek for an apologized for the Producer of  TV series “Desperate Housewives”, for  there  recent episode where actress Teri Hatcher who plays Susan Mayer asked whether the person attending to her during a medical consultation


 “can I check those diplomas because I want to make sure that they’re not from some med school in the Philippines.” 


we know that many Filipino medical workers are in demand all over the world, and many Americans go to the Philippines to get medical services that they cannot afford in their own Country.

Watch  the video below: