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Category Archives: Woodstock 69

Woodstock has been idealized in the American popular culture as one of peak events of the hippie movement — a festival where nearly 500,000 “flower children” came together to celebrate. At the time, it held the record for the largest music audience in the world until the Summer Jam at Watkins Glen in 1973 held 100,000 more people. Hippie activist Abbie Hoffman crystallized this view of the event in his book, Woodstock Nation, written shortly afterwards.

Although the festival was remarkably peaceful given the number of people and conditions involved, there were three fatalities: one from a drug overdose; another caused by an occupied sleeping bag accidentally being run over by a tractor in a nearby hayfield; and a third when a festival participant fell off a scaffold.

Here are some videos from woodstock 1969 by Jimi Hendrix