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Tag Archives: emotional

Emo Bands are hot now specially in teenagers and also for those who are very emotional peoples. EMO means Emotional, many teenagers now loves emo bands  i heard and watch this story in one of the episode in the TV,  that most of the teenagers now are  like emotional songs and they dress up with tight black pants fit sweat shirts and tight shirts, but  most important for them is the music there’s a story that this guy in the episode told that when he is depress he wants to hurt him self and one time he didn’t know that he take it very seriously, he saw  there’s a lot of blood in his room coming from his hand that he slash with a blade. he became suicidal that time because of depression.   his emotions are invading by sad and very emotional music with angers. he said that  when he heard Emotional music  it capture his  mind and feelings and he became very emotional,  out of control and   he can do such things like hurting him self.